

Goings on at the BWC Architecture Studio

3 people, 3 days, one deck.

Being summer time and living in beautiful sunny Oakland, we recently got a large shade structure to put in our yard to shield us from that blazing beauty in the sky. But once we had the shade structure up it was painfully obvious what was now missing. What was once just a plot of dusty dirt, was now crying out for a deck.


So we answered the call, and built a deck in three days.

Our faithful assistant Dennis levels the blocks in the ground....

dennis levels the blocks in the ground

Being summer time and living in beautiful sunny Oakland, we recently got a large shade structure to put in our yard to shield us from that blazing beauty in the sky. But once we had the shade structure up it was painfully obvious what was now missing. What was once just a plot of dusty dirt, was now crying out for a deck.


So we answered the call, and built a deck in three days.

Our faithful assistant Dennis levels the blocks in the ground....

dennis levels the blocks in the ground

Monday:Designed deck, laid down and leveled concrete blocks, cut first section and put it together.

We designed the deck to be easily removable. It is made up of 9 sections that are basically glorified boxes. Then we added a swoopy design for water and air flow to go through.

Here is the design laid out in REVIT, before we kicked it out to the CAM software:

Here is the first deck section is being tested for sturdiness on it's blocks....

deck section

Tuesday: Put a few more sections of the deck together, more cutting, more cutting, more cutting

We numbered the sections so they would be easily placed in the right spot...

deck sections are numbered


Wednesday: Final cutting, final sections together, deck stained, screwed down to concrete blocks, and done.


The call has been answered. We now have a deck. Let summer BBQing commence!

Jillian Northrup